7 Techniques to Brainstorm Better Writing Ideas

Sometimes writers might experience a lack of enthusiasm or ideas. In such situations, one of the most potent strategies to come up with enticing content when the well of ideas start to dry up is brainstorming.

As much as brainstorming is considered adequate, it is also necessary to shake things up for better results. It is impossible to get new results every time from the same old techniques.

That is why writers need to try out new brainstorming techniques to access better writing ideas.

7 Brainstorming Techniques To Create Powerful Content

These seven brainstorming techniques are perfect for whipping up some new ideas. Moreover, they are sure to make the process easy for every writer busy fighting writer’s block.

Make a Concept Map

A concept map is created with the help of pictures, tables, charts. It uses visual aids to gather, connect, and compare the information. It is possible to make concept maps online by using concept map makers such as Miro. With its help, many people can easily list their ideas.

Concept maps are perfect for creating high-level and meaningful connections between two ideas. In addition, they help the writers to zone in on the entire perspective of a topic.

Do Idea Mapping

Idea mapping is also known as clustering. This strategy is used to explore the relationship between two ideas.

To master this technique, write down the main topic and an idea. Then think of another concept that links to the previous one. Thus, make a chain of ideas linking with each other. In the end, there will be multiple ideas to choose from.

This approach is perfect for writers who quickly run out of ideas.

Use Cubing

Pertaining to its name, the topic is analyzed from six different angles in cubing. Those six angles are:

  • What is the topic?
  • What is the topic related or unrelated to?
  • What are the key elements of the topic?
  • How is it used in daily life?
  • What are the pros?
  • What are the cons?

After answering all the six angles, the basic outline of the topic is made. More ideas are generated during the writing process.

Conduct Research

Research is the best way to find new and creative ideas. Therefore, before writing anything, it is always important to research it. This way, you get new ideas on what must be covered in a topic.

It is easy to write on a topic when you have access to all the facts and figures.


Storyboarding is used to check if the collective understanding of the topic is right or wrong. The writer can also learn which areas need more research.

This technique uses post-it notes and pictures to verbalize the thought processes. Make a board and project your thoughts with the help of words, images, or quotes. Eliminate the ideas that do not go with the topic.

Storyboarding is a combination of visual thinking and verbal thinking. Research proves that the combination of verbal and visual thinking is responsible for coming up with creative ideas.

Reverse Brainstorming

In reverse brainstorming, instead of generating new ideas, focus on creating problem statements. Then, criticize the topic and find fault in the topic.

Highlight all the points and then determine how these problem areas can be improved upon. Finally, uncover the missing pieces and then cover all those ideas in writing.

Reverse brainstorming is very effective in creating unique and creative ideas while improving group discussions.


Nut-shelling is a technique that involves the summarization of a topic. For this technique, every idea related to the subject is shortened into two to three sentences. These sentences are written to capture the whole essence of the subject.

Later, these sentences are edited and turned into a question or problem statement of the topic.


Brainstorming is an excellent approach for formulating new ideas. But with time, writers need to engage in new techniques to keep a constant creative flow. For this reason, it is essential to switch between different methods. Moreover, following most of these techniques is accessible by using different online brainstorming tools that help you come up with creative ideas.